Alternate Debt Solutions (ADS) are specialists in helping South Africans get out of debt and achieve financial freedom and control. The way we do this is simple and effective.
Our clients don’t undergo debt review, counselling or administration. ADS do not issue court orders against clients.
Our team of professional consultants work with you and your Creditors to formulate a Payment Plan. The Payment Plan is calculated to pay back your debts, as fast as possible and also provide you relief by ensuring you have cash left over each month, so you can afford to pay for your basic needs without having to borrow more.

- Lower monthly instalments – we will reduce your monthly instalments, by up to 60% which will leave you with money to spend on necessities, every month
- ADS handle your creditors queries and keep you informed
- You are able to track all payments to creditors
- You will be able to review all creditors interest rates
- ADS offers a much faster recovery period than debt review, as monthly and set amounts are paid to creditors
- You will have your own Distribution Account which is protected against money-grabbing via debit orders. You are in control, in other words, only stop-order payments authorized by you will, be allowed. IMB
Yolande’s story
“Being in control of your finances is a great stress reliever.” Dave Ramsey – author Financial Peace (
What makes our service so unique?
ADS provide a payment plan that will suite your financial situation. The focus is always to ensure that all creditors receive a monthly instalment and that debt is settled as soon as possible. As soon as an account is paid in full, we will add the availableamount to the creditor with the highest interest rate, or to the creditor with the lowest outstanding balance, or the most demanding creditor.
Distribution account is opened in your name, to ensure your money is safe and only you can authorise transactions. Creditors are paid from the client’s IMB account via stop orders based on the Payment Plan
(Hotlink to IMB is a Registered Financial Services Provider. Free access to check your IMB account via the interne.