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If you have already skipped or stopped payments, Creditors can do a negative listing at ITC.

Yes. We will communicate with the listed creditors you have provided us the details for.  ADS does not however include your home loan or vehicle finance payments.

Yes – if you have clothing accounts or credit cards for example you can continue to use these.  You, the client decide which creditors will be on your Payment Plan.

Yes, this is possible but not advisable!

Yes, to give you breathing space, until finances improve.  Should you at any stage be able to increase payments, you contact us and we will assist in deciding how best to do this.

ADS Clients must remember that to a creditor, he or she is a debtor!  Every client receives a “What to do when creditors contact you” letter when you join ADS.  You must request that the caller forward an email or sms to you which you will then forward to us at:  ADS will communicate with the creditors and report back to you on the outcome.

This is a very serious step and we strongly advise that only when all creditors have been paid should you consider leaving the protection of the program.

If you do decide to cancel, ADS will send letters all creditors to Confirm the cancellation of the service.  You will no longer be under the protection of Section 130 (3) (i) of the National Credit Act.  Creditors can proceed with legal action and ADS cannot be held responsible for the reaction of creditors.

We strongly advise that the client pay all creditors before leaving the protection of our program.

We rehabilitate and educate our clients to achieve financial freedom.

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